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Updated: Apr 27, 2021

Not your typical Western.

Outlawed by Anna North is a new take on the Western genre. It follows 17-year-old Ada in 1894. She has to escape from her town because she is accused of being a witch because she was not able to have children with her husband. She ends up joining the Hole in the Wall Gang which consists of other misfits who had to escape their own lives just like her.

This book deals with a lot of relevant topics in today's society but shows what it was like during the "Wild West" when people were not as open-minded as they are today.

This one was definitely different and kept me intrigued throughout. I find myself thinking about this one a lot. I think I wanted a little more from it/the characters. It was quite a short book at 272 pages. I think also that there definitely could have been more to this story. I definitely want to read this one again sometime, which is rare because I feel like I never want to read books more than once (unless they're #harrypotter or #twilight lol)

I'm hoping to find more books like this!

I gave this one 4/5 stars.

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